Requiring no pre-treatment with local anaesthetics or numbing creams, Aesthera PPX® ISO192™ combines the proven therapeutic qualities of light with a patented vaccum device which clears the pores of sebum. It can be used to treat the following types of acne:

  • Mild to moderate acne
  • Pustular acne
  • Comedonal acne (blackheads & whiteheads)
  • Mild to moderate inflammatory acne

Aesthera PPX™ laser treatment for the four different types of acne is US FDA (Food & Drug Administration) approved. Please note that Aesthera PPXTM laser treatment should only be performed by an accredited medical professional. Clinical studies have shown that most patients experience a visible improvement of lesions between 24-48 hours after treatment, with the majority experiencing a much greater clearance of acne compared to the use of other lasers, creams and pills. A treatment course is recommended for optimum results, this is usually 4 - 6 treatments, at fortnightly intervals.

(If you are interested in this procedure, please call for consultation with Dr Wong Su-Ni at 6733 3629)

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